Monday, December 23, 2013

Photo Workshop and Portfolio Review with Andreas Rost

Call for Submissions
The professional view
Photo Workshop + Portfolio Review
with German photographer Andreas Rost

In collaboration with Tasveer and Toto Funds the Arts in Bangalore

and with 

Pepper House Residency, Madhavan Pillai Foundation and Goethe-Zentrum Trivandrum in Kochi

You are invited to put together a portfolio of not more than 6 photos on the following theme.
  • City-centric urban issues
Send your portfolio(maximum file size: 2 MB) along with your contact details to:
before January 10, 2014.
Andreas Rost will personally select 10photographers, who are then invited to participate in a day-long workshop where Rost will examine and discuss the submitted portfolios in the light of his own works, professional expertise and in-depth experience.
Date: Thursday January 16, 2014
Time: 10.00 a.m. onwards
Venue: Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan

Date: Saturday January 18, 2014
Time: 10.00 a.m. onwards
Venue: Pepper House, Fort Kochi
The Workshop/Review is open to all and free of cost and includes lunch.

Born 1966 in Weimar, Andreas Rost is an internationally-reputed German photographer and curator. Biography: 1984/85 apprenticed in photography in Dresden; 1988–1993 studied photography at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts; since 1994 freelance photographer and curator; since 2006 ifa-Representative for Photography / Institut fürAuslandsbeziehungen; lives and works in Berlin. 
Grants and prizes (selection): 2000 nominated for the Dorothea von Stetten-Award, Kunstmuseum Bonn; 1995 AenneBiermann Prize for Contemporary German Photography, Gera (cat.); 1994 StiftungKulturfonds, Berlin. 
Solo and group exhibitions (selection): 2013 Niemeyer Revisté MAMA, Algier(cat); 2011 Road Atlas. Street Photographyfrom Helen Levittto Pieter Hugo, DZ Bank, Rüsselsheim (cat); 2006 Solo für Ramallah, Directors Lounge, Videofilmfestival, Berlin 2005 Hittiste, EcoleSupérieure des Beaux-Arts Algier, Algerien 2003 Linke Hand | Rechte Hand, 798 Art Space, Peking, China; 2003 Berlin – Moskau/Moskau Berlin, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin (cat); 2001 Kunstverein Herzattacke, Berlin; 2001 Kunst und Kur, Meran, Italy (cat.); 2001 Das flache Land. Positionen einer unspektakulären Sicht [The Flat Land. Positionsfrom an UnspectacularPerspective], Brandenburgische Kunstsammlungen Cottbus (cat.); 2001 Galerie am Markt, Weimar (solo exhibition);  2001 Dreißig Tage [Thirty Days], Fotogalerie in der Brotfabrik, Berlin (solo exhibition, cat.); 2000 Galerie Pankow, Berlin (solo exhibition) 1998 R & R Galerie, Berlin (solo exhibition); 1998 Galerie Tools, Berlin (solo exhibition); 1997 Fotografie als Geste [PhotographyasGesture], Staatliches Museum Schwerin (cat.); 1996 and 1997 Galerie für Fotografie GAFF, Rotenburg (solo exhibition); 1996 Von oben herab [fromthe top down], Gerd SchackenwinkelCollection, Josef-Albers-Museum, Bottrop.
More information at:;

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